SUCCESSFACTORS / WHITEPAPER WInnIng THROUgH TAlEnT In UnCERTAIn TImES Executing the five Strategies, Today Since time is of the essence during an economic slowdown, you need a way to execute these five strategies as quickly as possible. Using a downturn as an opportunity to get ahead, leading organizations leverage Performance & Talent Management software and best practices to accelerate implementation of these strategies — and ultimately to energize their top people, increase workforce productivity, and drive better financial results. “In TIMES of EconoMIc uncERTAInTy, HR SySTEMS WITH lonG IMPlEMEnTATIon TIMES fAcE A REAl RISk of oBSolEScEncE. By THE TIME IMPlEMEnTATIon IS coMPlETE, THE BuSInESS DRIvERS THAT SuPPoRTED SucH PRojEcTS MAy HAvE cHAnGED DRAMATIcAlly, unDERMInInG THE BEnEfITS. In EvAluATInG AlTERnATIvE HR SoluTIonS, THE TIME To IMPlEMEnTATIon SHoulD BE An IMPoRTAnT conSIDERATIon, SIncE SoluTIonS THAT cAn BE RAPIDly IMPlEMEnTED ARE MoRE lIkEly To BE In ToucH WITH oRGAnIzATIon nEEDS AnD WIll START PRoDucInG An InvESTMEnT RETuRn MucH EARlIER. THIS coulD MEAn, foR ExAMPlE, uSInG ExISTInG vEnDoR TEMPlATES To BRInG SySTEMS on lInE QuIckly, RATHER THAn oPTInG foR MoRE ExTEnSIvE AnD TIME-conSuMInG cuSToMIzATIon.” “If the Bubble Bursts Will You Be Prepared” Talent Management Magazine, February 2008 Evidence suggests that on-demand Performance & Talent Management processes bring about better financial results, including faster top-line and profitability growth relative to industry peers*. Source: “Strategic Talent Management Solutions and Superior Topline Growth” Saugatuck Technology Inc., March 31, 2008 10

Winning Through Talent in Uncertain Time - Page 10 Winning Through Talent in Uncertain Time Page 9 Page 11