SUCCESSFACTORS / WHITEPAPER WInnIng THROUgH TAlEnT In UnCERTAIn TImES Winning Through Talent in Uncertain Times Managing in this uncertain economy can be incredibly challenging. If your business is experiencing decreasing revenues, shrinking budgets and increasing uncertainty… you cannot afford to focus on talent. Right? Actually, wrong. nOW, more than ever, is the time to focus on your people — the key to your future success. This is the time when new market leaders emerge and fortunes are made — when winners are separated from losers. Everyone in your industry shares in the pain. This is your organization’s opportunity to think strategically and invest in order to make relative gains against your competition and avoid knee-jerk or ineffective responses to external pressures that destroy value. Strategic Talent Management should be an even higher priority than ever. If your business strategy is solid, now is the time to motivate and engage your employees — to reassure and cultivate your top talent, and make sure they recognize the bright future they have in your organization. Now is the time to re-evaluate your goals, and make sure your entire team understands the impact their contributions deliver — to make sure everyone is working on the right things. Right NOW, you should be looking at ways to accelerate your strategies. So when this economy turns upward again, you will be poised and ready to make the most of it — with an energized workforce aligned behind your strategic goals. Now is the time that strategic Talent Management matters most. 2

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