SUCCESSFACTORS / WHITEPAPER WInnIng THROUgH TAlEnT In UnCERTAIn TImES “ In TIMES of EconoMIc uncERTAInTy, THERE IS noTHInG MoRE IMPoRTAnT oR STRATEGIc THAT WE cAn BE DoInG To EnSuRE conTInuED BuSInESS SuccESS THAn TAlEnT MAnAGEMEnT. noW MoRE THAn EvER WE nEED To BE focuSInG on HIGH PERfoRMERS AnD DEvEloPInG TAlEnT.” TESS REInHARD, DIREcToR of oRGAnIzATIonAl cAPABIlITy, cDW 5 Strategies for Getting Ahead Based on work with more than 2,000 leading businesses on maximizing people performance, SuccessFactors recommends the following five strategies that deliver superior results in adverse economic conditions: 1. Establish clarity of goals and rapidly align your workforce to execute the new strategy — When change is forced upon your business by the external environment, you cannot afford to lose focus or to delay the necessary course shift. 2. Cut with precision, if you must, but not bluntly — If layoffs become necessary, view them as your chance to weed out the low performers and let your best talent grow. Optimize the workforce! 3. Focus on your core talent and invest where it counts — Identify the talent that will be essential for your new strategic direction and invest heavily when others are cutting. Turmoil is when leaders emerge. 4. Be transparent — Avoid the rumor mills. During uncertain times, transparency drives trust and employee engagement. Companies with high trust financially outperform those with low trust. 5. Compensate more strategically: pay only for performance — Optimize your spend: avoid the mistake of spreading limited bonus resources evenly across top- and low-performers. 3

Winning Through Talent in Uncertain Time - Page 3 Winning Through Talent in Uncertain Time Page 2 Page 4